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What is Flutter ? Features of Flutter ?

Flutter is an open-source framework to create high-quality, high-performance mobile applications across different mobile operating systems - Android and iOS. As of now if we have to create an application in two different OS then we have to code in different languages using two different frameworks. To help overcome this complexity, there exist mobile frameworks supporting both OS which is Flutter. These frameworks use the simple HTML-based hybrid mobile application framework which uses HTML for User Interface and JavaScript and application logic to the complex language-specific framework which does the converting code to native code.

Features of Flutter

1. Time and Money Saving

Flutter is a cross-platform development tool. That means software developers can use the same code base for building AndroidiOS, and Web applications. This cross-platform development is the best way for saving time and you need only one resource for the development process of different Os so you can saving money also.

2. Hot Reload

After running the application developers need to wait for a few minutes to change the code and reflect on their running mobile screen. But, with Flutter app development, there is a feature called Hot Reload which allows developers to render a change in mile-seconds. In flutter when we applying the change and do the Hot Reload The updated source codes are sent into a running Dart Virtual Machine. The Dart VM then reloads all the libraries with updated code, The hot-reload mechanism updates classes with the new versions of fields and functions, the Flutter framework automatically rebuilds, repaints, re-layouts the widget tree So, developers can view the effect of the change within seconds.

3. Collection of Widgets 

When a developer works on the Flutter app development framework, the reason why they can build applications faster is because of its ready-to-use widget collection. Flutter provides us different types of widgets, animations with the use of that developer can make the application interactive and effective. Developers can use the widget as per their requirements As a result, there’s less communication between the app and the platform. These features of Flutter ensure fast app startup times and fewer performance issues in general.

4. Compatibility

Flutter comes with its own widgets that result has minimal compatibility issues. Developers will see fewer problems on different OS versions and can spend less time on testing the app on older OS versions. Also, you can be confident that your app will work on future OS versions.

5. Open Source

Google introduced Flutter as an open-source platform. Various design options can be explored by developers to create Flutter applications. User-friendly applications can be created for different Os with Material Design and Cupertino widgets. Developers can create a customized designs for applications. Flutter is free of cost and has detailed documentation and communities available online.


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