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Showing posts from June, 2021

MaterialApp and Scaffold in Flutter with Example

What is MaterialApp Material design is for Google Android material design which is used to create UI for Android.MaterialApp is a predefined class in a flutter that extends the Material Design class. It is likely the main or core component of flutter. We can access all the other components and widgets provided by Flutter SDK. It is a class that creates an instance of [WidgetsApp] . Text widget, AppBar widget, Scaffold widget, ListView widget, StatelessWidget, StatefulWidget, IconButton widget, TextField widget, and many more widgets that are accessed using MaterialApp class.  For iOS, there is the Cupertino widgets class which I'll describe or discuss or explain in another article. What is Scaffold In Flutter Scaffold is a very useful and highly flexible class. Scaffold implements the basic material design layout structure. A Scaffold Widget provides a framework that implements the flutter app's basic material design visual layout structure.  The developer can implement a wide

What is Widget ? Types of Widget

What is Widget? In Flutter, we interact with the UI so the whole UI is made up of Widgets. If you are known to Android and Ios so in that we are using Views and UIViews same as in flutter it's called Widget but  - The widget is not only about view it is more than that.  Widgets describe what their view should look like given their current configuration and state. Types of Widgets :  Before we are discussing types of widgets first will know about State and what is the function we can use in that. What is State? - According to Flutter, State is information that can be read synchronously when the widget is built and might change during the lifetime of the widget.  - It is the responsibility of the widget implementer to ensure that the State is promptly notified when such state changes with the use of function State.setState. State objects are created by the framework by calling the StatefulWidget.createState. A widget can be either a stateless widget or a stateful widget Now, We discu

Flutter Architecture

Architectural Layers 1.  Framework The flutter framework is the first layer of the architecture. Developers interact through this framework layer, As you can see in the image it includes the different types of platforms, layouts, libraries and this provides a modern, reactive framework that is written in Dart Language. Let's  discuss in details all about the framework : In flutter there are two types of libraries : Material Cupertino - With the help of material library design, the UI for Android and helps developers easily build high-quality, digital experiences. - It provides the different types of widgets with the guidelines so developers can use this easily and make their own Designs for the application. Also, use the Material design for iOs Application Design. - With the help of Cupertino library design the UI for iOS also uses Material library for iOS design but Cupertino provides the standard iOS Widgets to create an application. - In this You can technically run a Cupertino

What is Flutter ? Features of Flutter ?

Flutter is an open-source framework to create high-quality, high-performance mobile applications across different mobile operating systems - Android and iOS. As of now if we have to create an application in two different OS then we have to code in different languages using two different frameworks. To help overcome this complexity, there exist mobile frameworks supporting both OS which is Flutter. These frameworks use the simple HTML-based hybrid mobile application framework which uses HTML for User Interface and JavaScript and application logic to the complex language-specific framework which does the converting code to native code. Features of Flutter 1. Time and Money Saving Flutter is a cross-platform development tool. That means software developers can use the same code base for building  Android ,  iOS , and Web  applications. This cross-platform development is the best way for saving time and you need only one resource for the development process of different Os so you can savin