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Showing posts from February, 2022

Flutter BottomNavigationBar

BottomNavigationBar A material widget that's displayed at the bottom of an application. Which shows around three to five items and it includes labels and icons. BottomNavigationBar allows you to select one item at a time and quickly navigate to a given page. Properties of the BottomNavigationBar : items: It defines the list of BottomNavigationBar Items to display the bottom navigation bar. currentIndex: It determines the current active bottom navigation bar item on the screen. onTap: It is called when we tapped one of the items on the screen. iconSize: It is used to specify the size of all bottom navigation item icons. fixedColor: It is used to set the color of the selected item. If we have not set a color to the icon or title, it will be shown. type: It determines the layout and behavior of a bottom navigation bar. It behaves in two different ways that are:  1. fixed: Default it is fixed and If it is null, it will use fixed. 2. shifting: It will use shifting where w